11 Easy Ways You Can Lower Stress

Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your body's reaction to a challenge or demand. In short bursts, stress can be helpful, such as when it helps you avoid danger or meet a deadline. When it’s not helpful we just want it to go away. Here are 11 simple ideas that might make you feel better.

1.      Listen to music
Music can have a profound effect on both the emotions and the body. A slower tempo can quiet your mind and relax your muscles, making you feel soothed while releasing the stress of the day

2.      Change your routine
If you find yourself stalling out, practicing self-care, such as exercising, getting more sleep and taking time for yourself, is the best way for your body to recharge.

3.      Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us.

4.      Try positive self-talk
Be mindful of your inner monologue and take a listen. Your inner voice (self-talk), is a running narration of your daily experiences. People who can master positive self-talk are thought to be more confident, motivated, and productive.

5.      Exercise
There is a strong link between exercise and mental health. Have you ever noticed that after a stressful day that is you go for a walk, take a hike, ride a bicycle, or go to the gym you feel better afterword? When you exercise your body releases endorphins which trigger a positive feeling in the body. Most of the time, people feel better and relaxed even after a little bit of exercise.

6.      Nurture your relationship
There’s no relationship like the one you have with your partner. Make dedicated time for each other and always be appreciative. Communicate honestly and never jump to conclusions. All of these things will have a positive outcome on the relationship with your spouse of significant other.

7.      Laugh more
A good sense of humor can’t cure everything, but research shows that laughter can have positive benefits. Whether you watch your favorite comedian, comedy, or sitcom; laughter is a great form of stress relief. No joke.

8.      Set boundaries
Boundaries present a sensibility over one’s physical space, body and feelings. They can be physical or emotional and can be small or big. Poor boundaries can lead to resentment, anger and a sense of being burned out.

9.      Keep in touch with friends
Research shows that friendship is good for our health. The more friends we have, the less likely we are to develop certain health issues, such as dementia.

10.  Give compliments
The more you compliment people the better you will feel. Here are some examples you can try. You have the most contagious smile. Colors seem brighter when you are around. I like your style.

11.      Clean up
Clutter doesn’t seem like it can be all that bad however it can cause anxiety and stress which can affect your sleep and your ability to focus.

Bob Crisman