Let's talk about mental health and some of our services.


As part of Mental Health Awareness month we are publishing some blogs regarding some of the programs and services we offer at Columbia Wellness that you may not be aware of. Today we are sharing about inpatient services, medication assisted treatment for addictions and help for those that are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.

Wellness and Recovery Center

Located at 720 14th Avenue in Longview, WA, our Wellness and Recovery services focus on next level healthcare integration in serving clients in a brief intervention for adult psychiatric services and acute withdrawal management.  We strive for safety, recovery, a return to a less restrictive setting, and ongoing care are our main goals.  Care is tailored to meet individual needs, though specific activities and interventions that will occur within the shortest timeframe possible, given a client’s condition.  We have a wonderful team of Prescribers, nurses, chemical dependency professional, mental health professionals, case managers and CNA staff to assist you in your recovery and stability. While with us at the Wellness and Recovery Center our experienced team has been selected to provide the highest level of quality and compassionate care to everyone while at our voluntary center. We will assist our clients 24/7 and develop a comprehensive D/C plan to address the needs of our clients once D/C, this may include inpatient or outpatient treatment depending on the needs of our clients. We will coordinate with your outpatient provider to ensure your needs are met once D/C from our unit takes place.


Path and Pathfinder

Our Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (Path) and Pathfinder (SOAR) services serves our adult population 18 yrs. and older who are currently homeless or at risk of being homeless with a Mental Health diagnosis in our community and who are currently suffering from a substance use disorder on the streets. The Path and Soar programs directly compliment each other’s work in a combine’s effort to assist our homeless population. The team’s objective is to connect individuals to Mental health, substance use and stable housing in our community. Our team can assist in clients obtaining mental health services, MAT services, Chemical dependency services, SSI benefits, referring to primary care, assisting in referring to job assistance programs, assist in obtaining medical insurance for individual and working with landlords for stable housing. We feel that homelessness is an ongoing crisis in our community that we have committed staff members to assist and address the need to help individual get back on there feet and live a productive life.


Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Our Medication Assisted Treatment Program (MAT) is a comprehensive approach to assist those clients who suffer from addiction have a medical approach to recovery. In the program we combine a medical approach along side the clinical approach to lay a foundation for the client’s recovery for Opioids and Alcohol. The medications we use are Suboxone, Vivitrol and Naltrexone. We screen every patient to address a preliminary diagnosis and develop a patient centered approach to address their needs along with education for the clients and their support system. In our program it is highly encouraged and recommended that the patients also work with our Chemical dependency professionals and Mental health professionals to have the therapeutic intervention to assist with the medications provided to obtain all around support in kicking their addiction.


We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit community mental health agency. We specialize in helping others to learn the skills to live more successful lives. We have a number of different programs offered through Columbia Wellness in order to achieve this goal. To find out more call us at 360-423-0203

Bob Crisman